Thursday, July 16, 2009

Cheat Codes For XBox - Console Cheats to Improve Your Scores Quickly

Learn from my mistakes internet banking boost your Xbox 360 gamer score the quick and easy way with using an array of cheats.

If you're reading this, sams streamyx are you're looking for some short cuts. streamyx malaysia went out and rented/bought a ton of games and devoted every ounce of free time I net streamyx combo have. It was taking me three days to get through Burnout Revenge and by the end I'd only unlocked 4 of its 36 achievements. My gamer score was creeping up while my friend played check my broadband speed day and widened the Bluehyppo I went online and started buying and reading everything I could get my hands on that had "inside secrets". Before long I realized that the forums, so-called "Achievement Sites", have TONS OF ERRORS!

Have you done that?, wound up wasting even more time trying to track down all the short cuts/cheats etc and wasted 'another' evening.

Unlike my friends, I have a good job and make decent coin. So, I paid a 'local' anorak to do the 'leg' work and straighten Dsl Report Test out for me. He scraped together every scrap of information they found on and offline, bought everything I hadn't already, tested it, and 'hey presto'. In a matter of days I had completely destroyed my friend's gamer score! You have no idea how good that felt! And, thanks to the 'anorak' there's no way he's catching up any time soon...

Stop Wasting Your Time
I don't know you. Maybe you have all the time in the world to sit around figuring this stuff out. If that's the case, I'm sorry to hear that you don't have a life.

Maybe You Know More Than rural high speed internet Find Out...

Here's a tiny example of what we found, how much of it do you know?

One internet cafe business will give you 795 gamer points...without EVER PLAYING THE GAME
I got 5000 gamer points in one lazy day, and you can too
3000 Bonus gamer points with complete strategy guides
How to grab a viciously quick 8,000 achievement points from just 14 HOT titles
The cheat codes that cause achievement points to rain down...and the bogus ones that screw you

Don't Spend Tons of Time or Money To Do It!
There are alternatives if you really, really want them? I don't have all day to sit around and play, so I'm sure I'm an average gamer at best (but you'd never know it from my gamer score!). You have no idea how much fun it is to play when you can watch your gamer score skyrocket this quickly. Shell out hundreds of dollars for guides or services that get you nowhere! Or never move out of mommy's basement and live your life on the forums getting more and more frustrated at their errors.

To find out more go to my blog and blast your opponents - and look for the XBox posting!

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