If broadband phone comparisons are just now making broadband internet provider leap langkawi singapore satellite radio then you face an interesting dilemma. There are two satellite radio providers, Sirius and XM Radio. You might think, "Great - having to choose between dsl streamyx two should make my decision easier." Unfortunately, it may not be as easy as you think. You see, the two companies proposed a merger last year. While it has not been approved yet, it hasn't been flat out denied either.
So if you don't want to wait and see if in fact the merger will happen, you have a choice to make and there are two sides to that choice. On one hand, you go along and compare what the two services offer, not thinking about the merger. You decide which one you think would offer you better channels and programming. You sign up and everything is going great. You're enjoying your service and you have finally remembered which channel is located where.
Then along comes the merger and that will end up being one of two scenarios. Either everything you know and love about the provider you chose stays the same, you just get more channels to choose from (those that belonged to the other company); or, one or more of the channels that prompted you to go with the service provider you went with gets dumped to make room for a channel from the other guy.
On the other hand, if you compare providers with the idea in your mind that "oh well, when the merger happens I will get it all anyway," you could end up disappointed. While that may be case, there is still the very real possibility that the merger won't happen for quite some time, or even at all. So you need to make sure that you go with the provider that best suites what you are looking for right now.
Some of the key points that people compare are as follows:
Cost - celcom broadband vs streamyx is the biggest factor for most people. The basic monthly subscription is the exact same for both companies, which right now $12.95 a check broadband connection speed However, with Sirius you can pay monthly high speed internet services with XM you have to pay at least quarterly (paying for three months at one time). Both of those monthly subscriptions include listening online, but does not include the cost for a device (be it portable, in the home or in the car). Both of the companies give you option of prepaying for a year (or more) in advance, which when divided out would be the equivalent of "buy 11 months, get 1 month free."
Other factors that get compared between the two providers are the cancellation policies (because you may just decide that you made the wrong choice, so you will want to know if you are going to have to pay a lot to cancel your service) and the devices that you can purchase to listen to the service on. Both companies offer players for the home, for the car and portable players.
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